Love the updates & new features. I have been with you guys since April 2012
& seen the changes. Thank you for your services, dedication making Stock Butler better
& better & your consideration to this matter.
Stock Butler provides the mechanisms to enable smooth trading, whether at
home or travelling. Sometimes, I am unable to get to my charts, but everything is
on hand just by logging into Stock Butler [...]
Stock Butler makes trading FUN! All the analytics and research has been done
for me by my "personal butler", saving me countless hours, so that I can
easily execute flawlessly well within my 15 minute time frame. [...]
SB (StockButler) is such a fabulous site and you are so respectful and attentive
to details. Don't know how you have enough hours in the day for what you
do but you make trading lives so much easier!!
I LOVE The Stock Butler! I started using it when I first started trading
and it's been an invaluable help. It saves me hours of analyzing and calculating
[...]. It's like having my own personal assistant.
[...] At first I wanted to do this alone but I soon realized that I could use the
Stock Butler system as "business partner" and it has been great helping
me avoid making too many mistakes. [...]
The Stock Butler is the best website to help you
your investments
based on the teachings of the master trader, author, educator
and money manager
Saving you hours each week, The Stock Butler will help
you create or update your weekly “Best of the Best” list by quickly and easily doing
the repetitive fundamental analysis.
Beyond that, The Stock Butler will help you
manage your
day-to-day trading
by suggesting new trade entries, protective stop price
changes, trade exits and pyramids that stick to the rules and help you stay
within your daily 15-minutes of trading. Then it’s off to the pool for you!!
Why we are doing it... Learn what is motiving us, how The Stock Butler can help
you with a demo and a few important tricks that most people don't do! We are here
to help you have a jump start your trading. Start now by watching the video below.
We invite you to try our FREE single stock fundamental
. Just click on the “FREE” link to the left or the "RATE"
tab at the top of most pages of our web site to visit the Fundamental Analysis page.
Also, please take a few moments and look around and see what
Stock Butler
can do for you!
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