Take a few minutes to look at what real traders are saying about The Stock Butler.
We have customers all around the globe that are using The Stock Butler everyday
to help them trade better, flawlessly and stay calm and relax at the same time.
Rest assure that our commitment is to continually provide you with Courtney’s latest
improvements to maximize your investments and to make The Stock Butler a valuable
tool for your trading.
Customers activity maps from 2012 to 2015

Hi Jeff,
Thank you very much for answering all of my questions this past week. Thanks also for
your amazing Stock Butler
, it is
giving me a
boost of confidence
now after the loss of Courtney.
One question [...]
-Jason H. (WSW Subscriber)
is an amazing site, and
well worth the cost because it saves so much time.
I'm a professional software engineer, and I'd rather pay the subscription fee than have to do the programming myself.
Stock Butler handles all aspects of stock trading other than actually placing the trades. It:
1) does all your fundamental analysis to identify top-performing stocks
2) identifies monthly top-performing ETFs and quarterly always-performing stocks
3) maintains a watchlist - that gives entry signals and how much to buy based on your risk profile, and
4) maintains a portfolio - that tells you when to update stops, the exact stop to place, and when to exit.
It does even more, but the above alone is fantastic. With Stock Butler doing all the analysis and monitoring, I could train a 10-year old to place the trades!

Hi JF,
[...] I am very impressed with Courtney's approach to trading--it is such a well thought-out system with limited risk--and
The Stock Butler makes it very quick and easy to implement.
Within a few days after Courtney's August 2019 SFFS seminar, my wife and I began entering buy-stop orders on the
Best of the Best stocks and the Hot Hands ETFs screened by The Stock Butler in our trading accounts.
We used The Stock Butler to calculate the 1% risk position sizing, and the buy-stop and stop-loss prices Courtney recommends in his elegantly simple but powerful system.
When the buy-orders trigger, we enter initial stop-loss orders in our trading accounts--aiming to "execute flawlessly", as Courtney advises. :-)
As the stock price goes up in value over time, we adjust the stop-loss orders each evening using
The Stock Butler's calculations that are updated daily--a very convenient feature!
Doing all of these things on our own could take hours each week; instead The Stock Butler does them for us--very accurately!
Thank you very much!
-Dave (SFFS Grad 2019)
Jeff, Jodi and I completed our first Vegas course with Courtney and learned how to search and
calculate the positions in the best stocks and Hot Hands monthly goodies. But, without your
help and website to actually do the work, I would be struggling with completing my trading in
15 minutes per day as Courtney suggests. More like a week!
Thank Heaven for your website and
the personalized services
you render to all of us! Mark and Jodi in LA.
-Mark (SSS student)
We have owasome tools to help you in your trading. Click here to learn more !

Dear StockButler,
Love the updates & new features. I have been
with you guys since April 2012 & seen
the changes. Thank you for your services, dedication making Stock Butler better
& better & your consideration to this matter.
-Gregory Santana's Business Resources, March 2016 (FTI Grad)

Courtney gave us the push and the tools to trade shares. Stock Butler provides the
mechanisms to
enable smooth trading, whether
at home or travelling.
Sometimes, I am unable to get to my charts, but everything is on hand just by logging
into Stock Butler and going straight to "Needing your attention' Tab. No need to
keep separate ledgers,
all taken care of with Stock Butler along with all
changes made to stock position from buy to sold.
Just lately,
new features have been added to enable position sizing to flow
smoother, also a Stochastic's update and cater to those traders who follow Hot Hands
and Seasonality. And if there is
ever a question that needs to be answered,
Jean-Francois is always there at the other end of an email to attend
to your query.
Great Service and paid for itself many times over.
-Maria (FTI student)

Stock Butler makes
trading FUN! All the analytics and research has been done
for me by my "personal butler",
saving me countless hours, so that I can
easily execute
flawlessly well within my 15 minute time frame.
My Butler presents me with my
BOB's and all their buy and sell signals automatically.
He lets me know which of my trades
needs my attention each day; so I do not
have to check every single one. He gives me the
personal freedom to spend
my days however I choose rather than fretting over stock decisions for hours. I
not want to trade any other way without my Stock Butler because I know
he always
"has my back", and I can rest easy.
I HIGHLY recommend it!
-Kay (FTI Grad 2013)
SB is such a
fabulous site and you are so respectful and attentive to details.
Don't know how you have enough hours in the day for what you do but you make trading
lives so much easier!!
-Liz (FTI student)
I LOVE The Stock Butler! I started using it when I first started trading
and it's been
an invaluable help. It
saves me hours of analyzing and
calculating and
let's me know whenever I need to make changes to my positions.
It's like having my own personal assistant. I would and do
recommend The Stock Butler
to anyone
that trades. Thank you so much Stock Butler. I really don't know
what I would do without you.
I wish I had a butler for other things too! :)
-Elle (FTI Grad)
I love the Stock Butler because most importantly
it saves me TIME.
It also helps me
double check if I am doing things right if I want to do
it on my own. It's a
really great tool to have.
-Egle (FTI and FTU student)
I am impressed with the
website and services that you are providing.
[...] Again, this is a cool system, your works are
helping people and living
to Courtney company's mission of
making people lives better. Proud of your
works and feel honor to have chance exchange emails with you.
Great jobs done!
-Fong (FTI 2013 Grad.)

I have been using the Stock Butler since the begining of 2013. It has been of
to me especially as a newbie in trading Courtney Smith's technics.
It is a great way to back up my trading and
speed up my analysis and entry
order. I use it as a
journal as well to save all my trades. I
don't even think
about coming back to
trading without the Stock Butler now that I tested the
benefit of speed trading :) Highly recommended.
-Rafick (FTI and FTU student 2013)

THANKS Jean-François for the
excellent work you do. I love Stock Butler!
Stock Butler opened up new possibilities by allowing me to spend the time to learn
and gain confidence while quickly starting to invest. I
feel really supported
while doing my transactions.
I was very excited coming out of the course and I wanted to start trading immediately..
At first I wanted to do this alone but I soon realized that I could use the
Butler system as "business partner"
and it has been great helping me
avoid making
too many mistakes
. Simple, clear, well made and the service is 5 stars!
I really appreciate the educational components in the system as well as Courtney’s
tips. For me, it's like driving with the cruise control and being able to enjoy
the scenery.
Thank you very much and long life to Stock Butler!
-Carolann (FTI Grad)
Great, thanks Jean-Francois. Appreciate the quick response! I've only just started
setting up my trading accounts and applying what I've learned from Courtney
so I
find the site is terrific to help embed my understanding of the techniques
he taught at the course.
I am currently using it to check the analysis I do to confirm my results are the
same and where they differ,
the information on the site allows me to understand quickly
what I've done wrong
. Terrific initiative in setting this up. [...]
-Nadja (FTI 2014 Grad.)
MUST say how
extremely grateful I am for your site. Words can’t express how
happy I am to have the butler! I always knew I wanted to trade and if it was not
for your site, even after the course
I don’t know when I would actually done as much
work as I’m doing now
. Again, thank you so much for
such an amazing site!
It’s really makes all the difference in my LIFE! Kind regards,
-JPP (FTI 2014 Grad.)

Dear Mr. Stock Butler,
I want to thank you for providing such a
valuable service to me. The Stock
Butler has
saved me countless hours since I joined. The technical analysis
removes any second guessing and is always consistent in providing the exact call
to action. This service has resolved the one main issue in my life and that is the
lack of time to do everything that I need and want to do. Without this service,
I would not have had the time to trade and so for that I am so grateful. The service
you provide when I need
assistance is rapid and precise. It is second to
So thank you to the whole team for all that you provide for us!
-Mario FTI Grad 2012

Stock Butler was great for me! It gave me the Best of the Best stocks and all the
buy and sell signals automatically and immediately. I would just login and the
was organized and there for me
to look at. If you want help saving time
and automating your trade analysis, look to Stockbutler as your source!
Thank you Jean-Francois and the entire SB Team for all you do.
-Dustin FTI Grad
Dear Jean-Francois,
I love Stock Butler. I have been lightly trading for a couple of years. Owning a
practice and caring for my family with 3 children, 2 with special needs does not
leave me a lot of time to trade.
Stock Butler eliminates so much work time
for me so I can focus on placing more trades and following the best of the best
stocks. I
love the reminders if I forget it is time to place my order into
a trade. I love being able to in a glance see how I am doing. It's
like having my
own personal assistant
working with me on my trading.
Thank you so much for solving a big issue for those of us who love to trade but
are so busy in our lives. FTI Grad
Thanks for taking the time explain it to me. Much appreciated. BTW, I'm so pleased
with the Butler.
I would have been at a total loss without it. It's great
to see what you're doing, then go to my charts and see if I predicted something
correctly on my own. It makes me far more confident to enter trades than I would
have been by myself. Keep up the great work.
Thank you Jean-Francois and the entire SB Team for all you do.
-BJ FTI Grad
Hi people,
Being a total newbie in the trade market was a little difficult at first for me.
I went throught FTI and didn't quite put 2 and 2 together but thankfully "The Stock
Butler" was there to
make things easier for us. I'm still on my trial free
month but for sure I will purchase the full membership. I'm
impressed with everything
this site has to offer
. Yet, both my husband and I are
more than satisfied with
the result
so far and enjoy tremendously this easy way to trade!!!
Thank you, Jean-François!!!!
-CB FTI Grad

Execute Flawlessly and be a Money Making Machine you must follow the rules
AND the Stock Butler! The Stock Butler is
consistent and persistent! Both
my wife and I agree that the
time saved by using SB has been amazing and
customer service is outstanding. We
strongly encourage any FTI
graduate to invest in themselves and the Stock Butler.
Thank you Jean-Francois and the entire SB Team for all you do.
-IW FTI Grad

The Butler has
helped us tremendously with our time management. Reducing
our time spent on organizing our Best of the Best trades for our week to about half
the time. Having the luxury of seeing all possible trades in front of us at the
click of a button is an amazing tool to have as traders. Having an efficient tool
at the tips of our fingers that can confirm our trades,
reduce our time investment
and organize our trades before we place them and after we close them, all in one
spot, is very helpful.
has taken away our organizational nightmare of having multiple spreadsheets
and papers around us and has given us the opportunity to trade more efficiently.
We make better decisions as we know the Butler follows the rules and keeps us in
line with our decisions.
The Butler has taken away the edge of the emotion, as it is
all calculations and
formulas based on Courtney Smith's rules
of trading - we
recommend it highly
as an essential
tool for anyone who is serious about trading!
-JR FTI Grad

I was
very impressed with what I saw. I see this as a huge time saver in
these areas:
The weekly: - Filtering through the IBD 50 list - Yahoo fundamental analysis - Grading
the stocks.
The daily:
- Technical analysis and evaluating CB and TA entry points at a glance
- Number of stocks to purchase based on your portfolio size and risk
- Stocks needing your attention
- Stocks you have placed an order for
- Stocks you have in a trade
It just looks to do a great job for keeping track of what your doing,
keep you organized
Another cool thing I tried, I copied the list of CAN SLIM stocks from Wednesday
into the "Multiple stock rating" feature. It took the entire list and gave me back
a rating for each. It
found an A rated stock that I added to my watch list:
I think I will be having a
lot of fun (hopefully profit as well!) with this
Well done Jean-Francois!
-K.R. FTI Grad

First of all,
I am loving the stock butler! I can't thank you enough for
making this so much easier.
-Jose L. FTI Grad 2011
This is
amazing. This will
cut out so much time for us all. Wonderful!
-TS FTI Grad
The Stock Butler is a great tool. It actually
takes a lot less time to do
my stocks everyday and that allows me to
spend more quality time with my family.
The difference is astounding. The Stock Butler makes sure that I know when it is
time to buy and sell stocks and
it knows the rules and follows them to the
Other comments from follow students:
- It's A WONDERFUL site.
- I wanted to write to you to tell you how much I really enjoy The Stock Butler.
- TSB is an absolutely awesome service - many thanks!!!
- It saves lots of time and takes the emotion out of the decisions.
Cuts homework down to a matter of minutes. I've been traveling this month which
is usually when I forget about doing the homework on my own.
- Not having to use the IBD. This is much easier!
- It's superb!!! I believe I like the 'Needs Attention' is grrrreat!!!!
Using it and put in my first order today... Timesaver! It rocks! Want to use with
hot hands and seasonal.
The web site looks awesome. I also appreciated that the sign-up and legal stuff
was in English, and presented with a sense of humor.
I am pleased with what the Butler does for me, and I appreciate all the time and
effort you have taken to create a great tool for us.